Animal Triage Training Game
For First Responders
First Responders arrive at the scene of the disaster and find not only human casualties but animals too. From the moment of disaster, it often takes a while before the Vet arrives on the scene. Every second counts. Fortunately, First Responders can do more for the survival chances of the animals than they think. Not by immediate care, but by improving Triage. Ranking the animals in their need of care. This training game will teach the First Responder how to perform the best Triage possible.
Animal Triage Training Game
Online Training Game
Project Type
Gamified Training Certificate

The Scenarios
From basic to advanced. You can play multiple scenarios in the game which play out in a multitude of places with many different animals. By carrying out the right triage, you set the right priorities and improve the survival chance of the animals.
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Go to the website
In Good Mood reduceert verzuim, want zeker 20% van het verzuim in Nederland kan voorkomen worden.
Animal Triage Training Game
Online Training Game
Project Type
Gamified Training Certificate

Zonder inzicht geen goed gesprek
Het aantal medewerkers dat uitvalt is de afgelopen jaren flink toegenomen. Een hoger personeelsverloop, aanhoudende krapte op de arbeidsmarkt en een stijgende werkdruk is een vicieuze cirkel die voor niemand werkt. In Good Mood doorbreekt deze negatieve cirkel door inzicht te geven in de risico’s op uitval en biedt een laagdrempelige oplossing om in gesprek te gaan over de problemen die medewerkers ervaren, zowel op het werk als in hun privésituatie.
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First Responders arrive at the scene of the disaster and find not only human casualties but animals too. From the moment of disaster, it often takes a while before the Vet arrives on the scene. Every second counts. Fortunately, First Responders can do more for the survival chances of the animals than they think. Not by immediate care, but by improving Triage. Ranking the animals in their need of care. This training game will teach the First Responder how to perform the best Triage possible.
Animal Triage Training Game
Online Training Game
Project Type
Gamified Training Certificate

The Scenarios
From basic to advanced. You can play multiple scenarios in the game which play out in a multitude of places with many different animals. By carrying out the right triage, you set the right priorities and improve the survival chance of the animals.
More information?
Go to the website
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020 341 87 07