Moving minds —————

Mindgame specializes in serious games that improve your business.

Since 2004 we develop serious games, apps and web aplications. Our interactives effectively gamify behavioral change based on the stages our tranformation model.

A few of our favorites


Online Learning Platform + Game


Online Certificate Game – for First Responders


Attitude game – custom


Your HR Solution


Awareness game – format


Training Game – Custom


A few of our favorites


Online Learning Platform + Game


Awareness game – format


Your HR Solution


Training Game – Custom


Online Certificate game for First Responders


Attitude game – custom

Our Clients

You are in good company

Fun to read

We have great passion for our business so we love to share our experience, articles and developments in our field.

ADE foundation gives its first lecture on Animal Triage Training at Utrecht University


CyberWise is officially live! Read about how you can improve the Cyber Security of your organisation.


Mindgame wins Best Poster Award during Global Conference on Emergency Management in Paris


Fun to read

We have great passion for our business so we love to share our experience, articles and developments in our field.

Who are we?

“I have gotten to know Mindgame as a very professional, knowlegable and fun partner in games.” 

—– Client, PWC

Since 2004 Mindgame specializes in serious games as a way for our customers to face challenges. Organisational change is our game. Our live games and applications are employed within awareness programs, during reorganisations, changes of company strategy, they make on boarding more effective and allow all levels of employees and management to see opportunities and new ways of working. Mindgame has effective formats that can be employed on short notice and builds custom interventions based on proven game mechanims. Our games can take place on line or in real life depending on groupsize and the anticipated change. Serious games offer a safe environment for development and growth where people can make mistakes and learn new things without risks. Many tricky subject can be made accessible and be tackled in a serious game.

We develop, program and design our projects in house. This is why we are able to advise, iterate and fulfill our clients wishes while being flexible and fast. Mindgame links your business needs to our motivating game mechanism in order to create the right experience. We are experts in behavioral change and interaction. Our expertise is requested globally from Sweden to Austria to China. Over the years we have realised more then 350 playful customer solutions in various sectors of industry using both digital and physical components. We would like to partner with you to find the perfect fit for you business needs and playful interaction for your organisation.

I have gotten to know Mindgame as a very professional, knowlegable and fun partner in games.”

— Client, PWC

We develop, program and design our projects in house. This is why we are able to advise, iterate and fulfill our clients wishes while being flexible and fast.

Mindgame links your business needs to our motivating game mechanism in order to create the right experience. We are experts in behavioral change and interaction. Our expertise is requested globally from Sweden to Austria to China. Over the years we have realised more then 350 playful customer solutions in various sectors of industry using both digital and physical components. We would like to partner with you to find the perfect fit for you business needs and playful interaction for your organisation.

We doen de development en het design volledig inhouse. We kunnen de klant hierdoor goed adviseren en de iteratieve projecten helemaal naar wens invullen. Daarnaast verhoogt het onze flexibiliteit en snelheid.

Mindgame koppelt de business-need aan motiverende spelmechanismen voor de juiste interventie. We zijn expert op het gebied van gedragsverandering en interactie. Onze expertise wordt inmiddels wereldwijd ingezet: van China tot Oostenrijk tot Zweden.

In de loop der jaren hebben we meer dan 350 speelse klantoplossingen in diverse sectoren gemaakt, met zowel digitale als fysieke componenten. We denken graag met je mee om voor jouw specifieke business-need een passende game-interventie te ontwikkelen.



Would you be interested in getting to know us?

We would like to hear from you.


Panamalaan 7A

1019 AS Amsterdam

020 341 87 07





Would you be interested in getting to know us?

Panamalaan 7A

1019 AS Amsterdam

020 341 87 07